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『危險時空的戀人』/Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime


Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime

Explore a colorful galaxy in a massive neon battleship that you control together by manning turrets, lasers, shields and thrusters. Only through teamwork can ...

【全新商品】NS Switch遊戲Lovers in a Dangerous ...

Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime,中譯為危險時空的戀人,是一款由Asteroid Base 製作,於2015 年發行的多人單機合作過關遊戲,並且曾獲IGF 視覺藝術獎。

Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime

Explore a colorful galaxy in a massive neon battleship that you control together by manning turrets, lasers, shields and thrusters. Only through teamwork can ...